Humørskyen Hulda (Moody McCloud) is a cooperative tabletop game for families where serious illness is a part of everyday life.
Use the Speaking Cards to talk about what the animals on the Picture Cards are experiencing and talk about how the cloud Hulda (Moody) feels about it. Is this something you recognise? Match the Picture Cards to the correct colours and solve the colour puzzle together. Talk about your feelings and experiences concerning an illness while doing fun activities together!
Use the Speaking Cards to talk about what the animals on the Picture Cards are experiencing and talk about how the cloud Hulda (Moody) feels about it. Is this something you recognise? Match the Picture Cards to the correct colours and solve the colour puzzle together. Talk about your feelings and experiences concerning an illness while doing fun activities together!

The game is designed for 2 to 6 players and is targeted at families in the age of 5 to 12 years. The game takes about 30-45 minutes to play depending on the need for deep conversations.
Humørskyen Hulda is developed for my thesis project in cooperation with psychologists at Scleroseforeningen, the Danish organisation for sclerosis, and is currently being used as part of family courses focusing on the wellbeing of children in families with sclerosis.
Picture Cards

Activity Cards

Speaking Cards

Listening Card, Talking Card and Question Card
The Board - Humørskyen Hulda (Moody McCloud)

Example of a 2-player game

Relate the picture to Moody's feelings, and the colours of the edged to each other.